Mos Def

Mos Def

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the Orginis

Vinigar comes from fermented fruit juice a very sour version of wine an cider.

for the soy sauce we use the brand called Kikkoman which originated in japan and is use in the philippines all the time. soy sauce is a fermented sauce that comes from soy beans and is originated in Asia.

when i buy garlic i buy them individually so i dont really know where each garlic i buy originated but i think garlic is one of the universal ingredients that is used for a very long time.

chicken is a poultry meat and most chickens in america is raised in a family farm.

Chicken Adobo


*1/2 cup cider vinegar
*1/4 cup soy sauce
*1 tablespoon minced garlic
*2 Turkish bay leaves or 1 California
*4 whole chicken legs (2 1/2 lb), cut into drumsticks and thighs

cider vinigar cost around 2-3 dollars
soy sauce only cost 2-3 dollars
minced garlic thats in a pack already is about 1-3 dollars
bay leaves coast around 3-4 dollars
4 chicken legs cost about 4-5 dollars depends on the quality.

so the maximum amount is about 18 dollars but it last for a long time since there is vinegar in the dish so it preserve the food.

My Favorite meal

My favorite meal is called Chicken Adobo

Well since its my favorite meal i can safely say that
it taste really good. Chicken adobo is a Filipino Delicacy
and is very famous in every part of the Philippines. adobo
is the root of the dish it can be pork adobo and chicken ect...