Mos Def

Mos Def

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Museum Evaluation

The Museum of Natural History is a very interesting landmark in New York City it has a wide array of activities for both adults and children. The museum is a very helpful media especially for student alike due to its detailed information on their exhibits on different cultures. For the English 101 class our topic is global warming and the film called An Inconvenient Truth an Al Gore film. We are to find evidence that supports An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. We started our research in the Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth to look for clues on global warming then we went to the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins to look for our Ethos, Pathos and logos assignment. Dr. Smith our English professor then broke us into groups for us to work with.
At first we went to Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth, which is located on Rose Center for Earth and Space on the first floor. When I went in the room had some very interesting exhibits that concentrate on earth with detailed presentation and interactive medias such as interactive videos and charts. The first exhibit that interested me was the slide chart that tells you the co2, temperature, and the ice level on earth even way back from the medieval times and back till present. Then there is an interactive video about the polar ice caps and comparing the ice level from the 90’s to the present. I have learned that the more ice melts the higher the sea level which fits Al Gore’s film.
Our next location was the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. This section of the museum concentrates on human evolution and portrays how locate the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. The exhibit called DNA comparing chimps tells us that monkeys are the closest matches to the human DNA, which is the logos because it has mostly vital information rather than visual presentation. The other exhibit, which is the different type of monkeys and apes, is the ethos due to its helpful visuals that didn’t need much explanation and was very self explanatory. The Neanderthal models were very well done as well it explains how early humans lived in there time and is the pathos because it shows the savageness and the fact that they lived a very primitive lifestyle but none the less relates on how humans live now.
The Museum had a very rich set of exhibits and is very educational and I think more than half of the population here in New York City takes the educational aspect of the Museum of Natural History for granted. As for Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth is a very accurate depiction on global warming in my opinion do to the museums evidence and not to mention the weather we are experiencing today especially I noticed that the 8 years I have sent in New York each year the Winter season seems to get shorter and shorter. The trip to the museum was a very interesting activity for the class we got to spend time with our schoolmates out side of school.